Chicken Wings in Mole sauce
Course: Appetizer, Main dish
Getting ready for the next game-day? Give your Chicken wings a twist by marinating them in Saucy Lips Mole Sauce! Want to try a different flavor? ANY of Saucy Lips Foods New Mexican simmering sauces would be great for this recipe!
4 pounds of chicken wings (cut into drums and flats)
½ tsp salt
½ tsp pepper
1 pouch of Saucy Lips Mole sauce (split in two)
DRY excess liquid from the chicken with a paper towel.
COMBINE wings in a large bowl, salt, pepper, and 1/2 of the sauce pouch.
PREHEAT oven to 400°.
LINE a baking sheet with non-stick parchment paper (add a cooling rack if available) and place your wings. Bake for 20 minutes.
REMOVE wings from the oven. Flip them over and brush with more sauce.
BAKE for additional 20 minutes, remove wings from oven, flip, brush with more sauce and BROIL for 5 minutes!
SERVE with slices of lime, fresh cilantro for garnish.